Learn how to check your credit score with Credit Boost! We offer a complimentary online credit checker that’s easy to use, quick, and secure. All you need is your ID number and contact details so we can check your score in our system and get back to you with the results.
Here are some of the reasons why you should learn how to check your credit score.
Get a clear picture of your creditworthiness and borrowing power. The credit report includes information about the number of your accounts in arrears and paid up, how much you owe, and whether you have information against you in public records. You can also check your debt review and credit dispute statuses. Lastly, check out whether your personal information, like your name, address, and marital status is completely correct.
Knowing your credit score and information affords you peace of mind by empowering you to address discrepancies or take action to clear debts and clear your credit before they impact your financial freedom. With better credit, you can also get better rates. You’ll be able to stay ahead of your finances before any nasty surprises.
Here’s how to check your credit score.
Contact Credit Boost today for a full, free credit report or help addressing discrepancies in your credit report! We’re happy to help.