Do you need a credit score check with your ID number? Let Credit Boost help you! We offer an exclusively online and free credit check that only requires your ID number and contact details. The credit check details your payment history (on-time and in-full payments), and personal particulars (address, full name, phone number), and lists all of your credit accounts, and public records (bankruptcies, defaults, debt review).
The best part? It does absolutely no harm to your credit score! This credit score is categorised as a soft inquiry or self-inquiry by the bureaus – it doesn’t impact your score because legislation mandates that the bureaus provide you with one free credit check annually. You should take advantage of this law by checking your credit score regularly– at least quarterly– to ensure that there is no missing or incorrect information, or that your credit score hasn’t sharply declined.
An excellent credit score shows the bureaus and creditors that you are financially responsible. It tells them that you have been responsible with credit and making payments on time in the past and that you likely will be in the future. A high score inspires confidence in creditors and incentivises them to offer you better terms and lower interest rates. That’s because the higher your credit score, the lower your perceived risk profile.
High credit scores are calculated by assessing payment history and behaviour. Each bureau has its respective scoring criteria, but generally, they account for utilisation rate (how much credit you use compared to what you have available or as your limit), on-time payments, the length of your credit history, the diversity of your credit portfolio, and whether you have public records or derogatory marks against your name.
Take a look at your credit report today using our free online credit checker. It costs R0.00, is safe and regulated by XDS, and does no harm whatsoever to your credit. If you have any questions about your credit report, contact Credit Boost.