No one wants to pay for their credit reports, especially when it’s your right to get one completely free from each bureau once a month. Even worse, is that some credit reports can be difficult to read, poorly organised, and sometimes downright just don’t make sense. With Credit Boost, you can rest assured that your credit history will be presented in a clean and organised way. You’ll receive your report in minutes, along with a call back from one of our friendly team members to answer any questions you have and send a copy of it straight into your inbox. All you need is your ID number and contact details, and you’re good to go!
You should check your credit report regularly to make sure there isn’t fraud on it before you request a loan. This is because checking your credit score yourself doesn’t hurt your credit (soft enquiry), whereas when a bank or lender checks your credit report, they perform a hard enquiry, which hurts your credit report. Too many hard enquiries in a short amount of time can lower your credit.
You should also check your credit report regularly to dispute inaccurate information, such as defaults, judgments, and incorrect personal information (addresses, names, and accounts open.)
Credit Boost partners with XDS, Xpert Decision Systems. They are trusted for credit checks nationwide because of their commitment to data protection and are sourced from a wide range of databases, ensuring credit histories are accurately and fairly reported. Credit Boost is committed to keeping your data safe– we don’t resell your data to other institutions, like tenant screening agencies.
Get ready to take control of your credit! Remember, knowledge is power! Knowing your credit score can empower you to go for better rental options, negotiate better premiums, and get better loan terms. Get your free online credit check now!